We're thrilled to have you as a part of BDN! Below you'll find answers to the most common questions and access to common forms.
Do I qualify for sliding scale tuition?
At BDN, tuition fees are determined by a sliding scale based on a family's gross income. At time of admission in the program, parents are required to fill out an Income Eligibility Form (IEF) and declare income. Completing the yearly IEF is a prerequisite for admission not only to determine (and to adjust) tuition fees but this form is also a mandatory audited requirement for schools that participate in the Colorado Food Program. This program subsidizes a percentage of the over-all food expense for BDN.
Will I be invoiced?
Billing statements are sent to parents before the 1st of each month. Statements are typically emailed but can also be hand delivered to your child's classroom file. If you need a copy of your invoice marked "PAID" for your FSA (Flex Spending Account) or employer reimbursement program, just let us know.
When is tuition due?
Tuition payments are due by the 1st of each month unless prior arrangements have been made with the bookkeeping office. BDN reserves the right to assess a $20.00 late fee and/or end care if payments are not received by the 7th of the month. Tuition payment checks can be placed in the bookkeeper's mail box in the main hallway (black mail box hanging outside the infant / pre-toddler hallway doors) or mailed directly to BDN.
Can I pay online or with a credit card?
Tuition payments may also be paid online using a credit or debit card. Because this option has a direct cost to BDN, that is not built in to tuition, parents choosing this payment option will be charged an extra 3% to their base tuition fee
My family is experiencing a financial hardship. Will my kids be kicked out of BDN?
If your family is experiencing financial hardship (for reasons such as sudden job loss), please feel free to communicate with the Program Director about changes to your IEF and possible tuition adjustment per BDN's sliding scale. Alternatively, if you are receiving a subsidy via the sliding scale and your income goes up, we expect that you will report that change so we can adjust your tuition accordingly.
Common Forms
Here are some common forms you may need from time to time. If there is a form you think would be useful to include here, let us know.